どうりょう (dōryō)
Japanese for colleague, comrade, companion

Web developer
and freelancer

Matthias Seidel, Diploma in computer sciences in media, Berlin

web developer

The word "Doryo" comes from Japanese. It could be translated as a comrade, partner or someone who accompanies you on your journey. That is exactly what I, Matthias Seidel, want to become for your business by supporting your projects as an experienced freelance web developer. Since I graduated with a degree in computer science in 2005, I have been working extensively as a frontend developer. I have completed numerous web projects for big and small clients and acquired know-how in diverse programming and markup languages. This includes frontend technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Less, SCSS, Javascript, Coffeescript and jQuery as well as server-side scripting languages like PHP. I am also proficient in implementing modern layout concepts such as Responsive Design, contemporary content management systems such as WordPress, online shopping systems like Woocommerce and Shopify and search engine optimization (SEO). Take a look at my portfolio and feel free to send me a message! I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Freier Programmierer aus Leidenschaft


Web developer
and freelancer

Matthias Seidel, Diploma in computer sciences in media, Berlin

Since I graduated with a degree in computer science in media in 2005, I have been working as a web developer. While Berlin remains my home base, my passion for traveling has taken me, along with my web development projects, to almost every continent. But no matter where I am, I always enjoy tackling the unique challenge of implementing a responsive layout in HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and jQuery. Some of my favorite platforms include the content management system WordPress or the online shopping system Shopify. I also specialize in search engine optimization (SEO). A quick response time, direct communication and reliability are all among my strong suits. I’m always on the lookout for the most recent technologies that allow me to create an impeccable product. Let me bring this energy to your next project! I would be looking forward to it!
Diplom-Medieninformatiker (FH), Webentwickler und Freelancer

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